How to find us


Phone: +39 366 6672656
Borgata Pianezzo 25
12063 Dogliani (Cuneo) Italia

How to find us

GPS coordinates:
Latitude: 44°, 31', 50,28''
Longitude: 7°, 58', 56,46''
Altitude: 400 from sealevel

From Dogliani to Somano-Bonvicino turn left to the township Pianezzo. After the restaurant "The Binelli," turn right in the direction of the farm La Torretta. Continue until you reach the top of the hill.

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Distance from Ai Paian:

Dogliani - 6 min. 3,5 km
Barolo - 23 min. 15,5 km
Alba - 38 min. 30 km
Torino - 60 min. 78 km
Savona (mare) 73 min. 88 km
Milano - 130 min. 170 km
Paris - 8 ore 850 km
Lion - 4 ore 378 km
Zurich - 5 ore 13 min. 545 km
Berlin - 11 ore 50 min. 1220 km
Frankfurt - 8 ore 28 min. 827 km
München - 7 ore 10 min. 710 km
Bern - 4 ore 40 min. 408 km
Genève - 3 ore 50 min. 338 km
Den Haag 11 ore 50 min. 1280 km