Check availability and write to us
Do you want to book your holiday? Fill in the form below, indicating the length of time (between 1 and 4 weeks) you want to stay. We will contact you to give you an answer and organize your stay in the best possible way. We would remind you that it is not possible to book for just a weekend or for times other than those indicated.Prices are meant for a monday to sunday week. For reservations of less than 7 days, the whole week fare will be applied anyway. It's not possible to book for the weekends only. Bank transfers, cheques and cash are welcome. Customers who have received our confirmation of availability are asked to send us an advance payment of 30% by bank transfer (rest of total amount will be payable on check in. )
IBAN: IT49 Q060 8546 2700 0000 0020 744
To a Fabrizio Argonauta, Object "reservation"

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